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Virtual Workshop Interface->Introduction

The Virtual Workshop Interface allows the simulator to be extended by the user.  See the Extension Integration topic in the Overview section for a description of how these extensions are recognised and link with the simulator.

The simulator  communicates with extensions using a set of pre-defined C function calls.  The Virtual Workshop Interface calls can be divided into the following categories:
Compulsory interface callsYour extensions must always provide these functions.
General purpose interface callsThese are the ones that you will use most when creating extensions to support the specific features of your target system.
Capture state specific interface callsThese are the ones that you will need to support if you wish to exploit the capture state feature of the simulator
MFC specific interface callsThese calls allow you to exploit the features of the Microsoft Foundation Classes and allow you to support command routing and add menu items to the Embedded Development Studio

Any C or C++ compiler that can produce DLL's that will run on your PC can be used to create extensions.

If you wish to create an extension that uses the Microsoft Foundation Classes, then you must use Microsoft Visual C++ Version 5.0 (with service pack 3) or Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0 and follow the guidelines described elsewhere in this document.

Each C function call is described below.