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Using the Console I/O Utility

SelectConsole I/O  from the Peripherals menu to open the console i/o dialog box.

This dialog box can be used enable or disable memory mapped I/O and to specify the external ram mapping address to be used.

Click in the Map I/O to External Ram checkbox to enable and disable Console I/O.  A cross in the checkbox indicates that Console I/O is enabled.

Edit the address in the edit box to the hexadecimal value that you wish to use as an I/O address. This address can be anywhere in external ram and so should be selected to suit your program.

When console I/O is enabled, any bytes written to the specified external ram address are sent to the console I/O window.  This window is automatically opened when the first byte is output.

If console I/O is disabled, bytes written to the mapped address are discarded.

Also when console I/O is enabled, when the program reads a byte from the mapped address, the simulator will wait for data to be entered into the console I/O window.  If the window is not already open, it will be opened automatically when the address is first read.

By default, console I/O is disabled and the mapping address is $FFFE00.  If you change the setting, the new setting will be save in the program status file and restored when you next open the same program.

Console I/O is not a simulation of any particular peripheral, it is only a convenient way of enabling input and output for the simulating program.