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Floating-Point Multiply

Compatibility: ColdFire chips with a floating-point unit (FPU)

Source * FPx -> FPx

Assembler Syntax:FMUL.fmt <ea>,FPx
FrMUL.fmt <ea>,FPx
where r is rounding precision, S or D

Format: Byte (B), Word (W), Long (L), Single-precision (S), Double-precision (D)

Converts the source operand to double-precision (if necessary) and multiplies that number into the number in the destination floating point data register.  Stores the result in the destination floating point data register.

FSMUL rounds to single-precision, FDMUL rounds to double-precision and FMUL rounds to the precision specified by the floating point control register FPCR (which by default is double-precision).

Floating-Point Status Register:

NSet if result is negative;else cleared
ZSet if result is zero;else cleared
ISet if result is infinity;else cleared
NANSet if result is a NAN;else cleared
BSUNAlways cleared
INANSet if either input is not-a-number; else cleared
IDESet if either input is a denormalised number; else cleared
OPERR Set if multiplying zero by infinity; else cleared
OVFL Set if the exponent of the intermediate result is greater than or equal to the maximum exponent value for the selected rounding precision; else cleared
UNFL Set if the intermediate result is too small to be represented by a normalised number in the selected rounding precision; else cleared
DZ Always cleared
INEX Set if the infinitely-precise mantissa of the intermediate result has more significant bits than can be represented exactly in the selected rounding precision; or if either input is a denormalised number and the IDE exception is disabled; or if the result overflowed; or if the result underflowed and the underflow exception is disabled; else cleared
Allowable Addressing Modes