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Breakpoints->Machine Level Breakpoints->Set Breakpoint at Cursor

If the active window is a disassembly window, a break at location breakpoint will be set with  an address equal to that address of the cursor location.  Execution will halted just before the instruction at the breakpoint address is executed.

If the active window is a source code window, a break at location breakpoint will be set at a program address corresponding to the source line at the cursor.  If there is not a program address associated with this source line, then the simulator will scan forwards through the source file looking for a line which has a program address associated with it.  If it finds one, the breakpoint is set at this address.

If the active window is a program memory, SFR memory, internal ram or external ram window, a break on memory access breakpoint will be set at the address equal to that of the cursor location.  Execution will be halted just after the memory at the breakpoint address has been accessed.

If there is already a breakpoint at the cursor address when the Set Breakpoint at Cursor is issued, then this breakpoint will be deleted instead of a new one being set.