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MOVE to MACSR    MOVE to MAC Status Register

Compatibility:    Starting with 5206e.

Note: F/I and R/T are only valid for MCF5307 mask set 00J20C onwards.

Source -> MACSR
Assembler Syntax:MOVE.L Ry,MACSR
MOVE.L #<data>,MASCR
Moves a 32 bit value from a data or address register or an immediate value into the MAC status register.

Size:  Long

MAC status register:

OMC Set to the value of bit 7 of the source operand
S/U Set to the value of bit 6 of the source operand
F/I Set to the value of bit 5 of the source operand
R/T Set to the value of bit 4 of the source operand
NSet to the value of bit 3 of the source operand
ZSet to the value of bit 2 of the source operand
VSet to the value of bit 1 of the source operand
CAlways cleared

Condition Codes:     Not affected