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Floating-Point Integer

Compatibility: ColdFire chips with a floating-point unit (FPU)

Integer part of Source -> FPx

Assembler Syntax:FINT.fmt <ea>,FPx
Format: Byte (B), Word (W), Long (L), Single-precision (S), Double-precision (D)

Converts the source operand to double-precision (if necessary), extracts the integer part and converts it to a double-precision value. Stores the result in the destination floating point data register.

FINT rounds to the precision specified by the floating point control register FPCR (which by default is double-precision).

Floating-Point Status Register:

NSet if result is negative;else cleared
ZSet if result is zero;else cleared
ISet if result is infinity;else cleared
NANSet if result is a NAN;else cleared
BSUNAlways cleared
INANSet if the input is not-a-number; else cleared
IDESet if the input is a denormalised number; else cleared
OPERR Always cleared
OVFL Always cleared
UNFL Always cleared
DZ Always cleared
INEX Set if the infinitely-precise mantissa of the intermediate result has more significant bits than can be represented exactly in the selected rounding precision; or if the input is a denormalised number and the IDE exception is disabled; else cleared
Allowable Addressing Modes