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CROSS ASSEMBLER->Assembly List Format->Field 1 Line Number or Sequence Number

The cross-assembler generates a line number for each line of source code starting at 1 and incrementing by one for each line.  This line number is used in error messages and is also, by default, displayed in the first field of the source and object code listing.

If a statement has been generated during the expansion of a macro, then it will not be a true line of source code.  A line number is not then listed and the first field of the listing is blank.  

If you have included sequence numbers in your source code then you can optionally display the sequence numbers instead of the assembler generated line numbers.  The SEQON directive should be used to enable this option. The sequence numbers will then be displayed in the first field of the listing in place of the assembler generated line numbers.  Sequence numbers can be distinguished from assembler generated line numbers in that sequence numbers are displayed with leading zeros.