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C COMPILER->Compiler Support Files->Startup Module

A default startup module is included in each standard library which may be sufficient for the majority of programs.  However the advanced users can create their own startup module.

Users of the Embedded Development Studio can take advantage of the integrated startup file support, modify the file that is optionally created when a new project is standard.  DOS users can start from the file STARTUP.ASM which is included in the directory STARTUP.  This is the file that was used to build the libraries.

For the large memory model libraries, the equates in this file were set to:

- External Stack    equ    1
- External Heap    equ    1
- Internal Heap    equ    0
- In Page    equ    0

For the small memory model, the equates in this file were set to:

- External Stack    equ    0
- External Heap    equ    0
- Internal Heap    equ    1
- In Page    equ    0

For the tiny memory model, the equates in this file were set to:

- External Stack    equ    0
- External Heap    equ    0
- Internal Heap    equ    1
- In Page    equ    1

All other equates were as in the sample file.